TSSA & Network Rail together at Pride

LGBTQ+ members and TSSA


TSSA’s strong commitment to respect and equality for everyone means that we take our beliefs to the workplace. TSSA reps are trained to challenge disrespectful, offensive and discriminatory language in the workplace. 

TSSA reps put forward and negotiate policies that encourage fair pay, fair practices and workplace policies that encourage LGBTQ+ staff or family members to feel themselves at work, to discuss their partners and their gay and lesbian family and friends without fear.

Stonewall Diversity Champions

TSSA is proud of our partnership with Stonewall as a Diversity Champion (the first with a trade union). The Diversity Champions programme is the leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBTQ+ staff are free to be themselves in the workplace.  

Stonewall work with over 900 organisations across the UK. Every one of their Diversity Champions shares the core belief in the power of a workplace that truly welcomes, respects and represents LGBTQ+ employees.

More on Stonewall Diversity Champions